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All about Harris and Harries

Who is calling me from 312-380-4059?

The phone number 312-380-4059 is located in or around Chicago, IL 60611. This landline number is registered with an unknown carrier. There have been 132 searches conducted for this number overall. There are 5 user comments, the latest received on Wednesday, December 14th, 2016 at 11:12 pm and it has been marked as spam 4 times. This number has a current spam score of 40%. Below you will find additional detailed information: Calls from 312-380-4059 are coming from Harris & Harris Ltd., a debt collection agency located in Chicago, Illinois. The agency has been in business since 1968 and provides debt collection services to healthcare providers, utility companies, and government agencies.

Almost 300 complaints have been filed against the collection agency with the Better Business Bureau (BBB) and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), a federal agency created to help prevent companies in the financial industry, such as banks, credit card companies, and debt collection agencies, from abusing and deceiving consumers since 2015.

Many of these debt collection tactics that consumers allege the company uses are violations of the FDCPA and some may violate other federal or state laws.

If you are getting abusive, annoying, or deceptive telephone calls from 1-312-380-4059, the debt collection agency may have violated federal law. Please contact our office for a free, no-obligation case review at 1-800-219-3577.

What are Harris and Harris?

Harris & Harris Limited is a Chicago-based third-party debt collection agency. H&H has received consumer complaints alleging violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), including improper contact or information sharing and threats to take action that is not legally taken. Can If you have been contacted by this debt collector, make sure you understand your rights before replying.

Are Harris and Harris a scam?

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They are legitimate. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Harris & Harris, Ltd was founded in 1968 and incorporated in 1977. BBB set up a profile page for H&H in June 2015 and has been a BBB-approved business since 2018. The BBB lists Harris and Harris as the collection agency.

Stop debt collector harassment

. Regain your peace of mind. We’ve helped thousands of clients just like you turn the tables on debt collectors. We make them pay you. And our services are absolutely free for you.

This number has no reports yet but was verified active on 07.12.2021. The last search on “3123804059” was done May 17, 2022, and over the last 3 months, 96 searches have been performed.

Reach millions of users by sharing your opinion: Be the first to post a report related to “3123804059” a little further down the page. Then you help users like yourself to avoid unwanted calls, and in many cases avoid being scammed.

Harris & Harris Calling You?

Federal laws protect you. The Fair Debt Collections Practices Act (FDCPA) regulates the behavior of collection agencies by prohibiting actions such as the use of abusive or threatening language; harassment; or the use of false or misleading information to collect a debt. The FCRA regulates how collectiongencies and creditors report delinquent debts to credit reporting agencies. Additional consumer protection laws include the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) and the Consumer Financial Protection Act (CFPA).

What is harris calls?

Harris & Harris Ltd is a debt collection agency. Lemberg Law receives calls from consumers complaining about this agency’s debt harassment. Find out who they are, why they might be calling, and how you can stop them.

Harris & Harris Ltd is a third-party debt collection agency based in Chicago. H&H has received consumer complaints alleging violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), including improper contact or sharing of information and threatening to take actions that cannot legally be taken. If you have been contacted by this debt collector, make sure you understand your rights before responding.

Have questions? Call us now at 844-685-9200 for a Free Case Evaluation.

Can I sue H&H for harassment?

Yes. If you want to enforce your rights, or recover money for violations — you need to sue. Federal laws provide individuals like you with a means to seek monetary damages in court. For example, the FDCPA allows consumers who have been violated to recover damages of up to $1,000, plus attorney fees and court costs.

Really harris and harris are a scam?

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All About Harris And Harries 4

They’re legit. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), Harris & Harris, Ltd was established in 1968 and incorporated in 1977. The BBB established a profile page for H&H in June 2015, and it has been a BBB-accredited business since 2018. The BBB lists Harris & Harris as a collection agency.

If you’ve suffered from H&H debt harassment, you do have options. Under the law, you can recover up to $1,000 for violations of the FDCPA, and $500 to $1,500 for each cell phone robocall.

How Many Complaints Are There Against Harris & Harris?

As of April 2017, the Better Business Bureau reported 104 closed Harris & Harris complaints over the previous three years, including 30 closed H&H complaints over the previous 12 months. The BBB gave H&H A+ rating. Additionally, Justia listed 16  complaints filed in federal court in the previous year alleging violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, one alleging violations of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, and two alleged violations of the Telephone Consumer Protection Act. Moreover, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) listed 93 closed complaints in 2016.

Who does Harris & Harris collect for?

Harris & Harris employs countless debt collectors to collect healthcare, government, and utility debt. They provide skip tracing services as part of the collections process and as a standalone company, meaning that firms can use their skip tracing services without using Harris and Harris to actually collect money. According to their website, they even claim to keep a list of affiliate attorneys who will file lawsuits against customers.

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